Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Blame Game On Raising Children

I will admit that I'm not a parent but I am a daughter, a sister, a friend and a mentor. The other day one of my coworkers and I were talking about health and convenience. We live in a society that is go go go and so we don't stop to take the time to take care of ourselves.
One topic that came up is my sister who has terrible acne scarring on her face. She spends hundreds and hundreds of dollars every year trying to get rid of it, from one treatment to the other. Last month it was microdermambrasion, which didn't help, with a side of pregnancy pills to control her hormones. This month she is continuing the pills but has replaced the microdermambrasion with an orange peel. She has a morning and night ritual of face creams and nothing has helped. I have talked to her before and recommended that she look into detoxing and changing what she eats. Her diet consists of easy to create food such as frozen pizzas, instant things, pop, beer and such. Our bodies needs more nutrients, vitamins and just plain old healthy things. Unfortunately she won't touch the vegetables I cook and her version of vegis are either frozen or from a can (filled with preservatives). One night she took a can of corn and heated it in a microwave. Intending on making me proud she pointed out she was eating vegetables. I didn't have the heart to tell her that corn has no nutritional value and the corn she was eating was not only drenched in preservatives but also it was genetically engineered. My sister is a prime example of someone who thinks she is doing what is right but isn't. Instead she wants an easy fix, an easy answer, so she can go on and enjoy her life. Detoxing means giving up somethings she likes to eat and spending the time to take care of herself.

The example my coworker had was of her children and their friends. One of her daughter's friends stayed with them. She wouldn't eat their organic chicken nuggets and said they tasted funny. Her breakfast at home was typically a poptart and when offered fruits she didn't want them and with quite a few berries have never had them. That is sad. It makes you wonder what her diet at home is. There was a video clip from a documentary that I saw a long time ago. A doctor came into a classroom of children bringing vegetables to show the children. The children didn't know what a potato was but knew what fries were. The children didn't know what a tomato was but knew what ketchup was. The world of convenience made it very difficult for people to lead healthy lives. Instead on changing ourselves we go back and try to get a pill to fix our problems.

We need to take responsibility for our actions and change ourselves instead of trying to cover up the symptoms then blame the world.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I'll Take What Mommy's Having... SHAKED NOT STIRRED

This is the second article of my 3 article series about Consumptions during pregnancy. The first one was about drugs and pregnancy. Last fall I was driving down a highway and saw an advertisement on the billboard. A child stood there was a drink in his hand. The advertisement said something about it being ridiculous and so don't drink while you're pregnant. This is common sense, I would think, but unfortunately it's not. Apparently there are a handful of mothers who think an occassional drink would not harm them nor their fetus.
According to the March of Dimes website, each year up to 40,000 babies are born with "festal alcohol spectrum disorders" (FASDs). Any consumption of alcohol can effect the baby but not many mothers consider that. Alcohol breaks down slower in a baby's body because they are not fully developed and can cause from moderate to extreme damages to the development of the child. This includes mental retardation, behavioral problems, heart problems and more. Some babies might be even be stillborn because of it.
There is an article on the Discovery webpage starting that it is okay to do some light drinking during your pregnancy. They stated that a couple drinks a week wouldn't harm the child. But their definition of a drink is "a small glass of wine, a half-pint of beer or a single serving of hard alcohol." To be honest most people have a hard time measuring out just a little of something and keeping to it. What will stop a mother from pouring an extra glass or redefining the definition of a drink? If you are pregnant think about making positive decisions for your child.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 2012 Workshops

Insulin Workshop 
  • obesity~weight gain
  • Diabetes
  • high blood sugar
  • fatigue
Learn how insulin is the CAUSE of these diseases and what you can do to get well.
Saturday February 11th 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Roseville City Hall
2660 Civic Center Road
Roseville, MN 55113

Call 651-235-8200 to reserve seats

Healthy Heart Workshop
  • The true cause of heart disease
  • The devastating statistics of heart disease in the United States
  • How your amazing heart works
  • The function and purpose of cholesterol
Heart disease may be common, but it is absolutely not normal! At Maximized Living, we always search for the true cause of disease in order to find the solution. The evident cause of heart disease is inflammation triggered by sugar, acidity, free radicals and an improper ratio of omega fatty acids. Through our revolutionary advanced talk, Maximized Living will teach you about how these factors affect your body, and give you 7 steps to prevent heart disease altogether.

Saturday February 18th 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM

Bandana Chiropractic and Wellness Center 
1912 Lexington Ave N Suite #250
Roseville, MN 55113

Call 651-235-8200 to reserve seats

Immunity Workshop

Saturday February 28th 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Bandana Chiropractic and Wellness Center 
1912 Lexington Ave N Suite #250
Roseville, MN 55113

Call 651-235-8200 to reserve seats

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'll take what Mommy's Having... DRUGS AND ALL

When one of my close friends first got pregnant, her whole lifestyle changed. She was very picky on what she ate, what she drank, just what she put into her body in general. I thought she was just being too picky. Things have changed and this is the first of a three part blog post I will be doing this week.
This is a response to an article posted on Yahoo! News, More Newborns Suffering Drug Withdrawal at Birth. A study was done with data from a 2010 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. The common outcome for the babies was drug withdrawal symptoms after they were born. These symptoms includes such things as "irritability, shrill crying, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity poor sucking, tremors, seizures, restlessness, sleep issues, hypothermia and breathing brothers."
The interesting thing about all this is that not many people consider that their baby is getting whatever their mother puts into her body. All of the nutrition the baby is from the umbilical cord which absorbs everything the mother is exposed to. Not only is this the food, drinks, and drugs but also the air the baby breaths.
While doing the research for this blog I found a very useful page . The page allows you to look up a drug and then it will let you know more about how it affects the mother and baby.
Another article on BabyZone lists the affects of different recreational drugs on the mother and child. An interesting statement in their article was that it's not just what drug you are taking but also what trimester you are in during your pregnancy. One example is Amphetamines which includes Meth and Ecstasy, these can not only affect the baby's weight but also could lead to an increase in premature labor, miscarriage and placental abruption.