Thursday, May 26, 2011

Spine Fit Workshop - Dr. Scott Halida

This is the first of several workshops that I will be filming in order to share some of the knowledge I learn. Also it's a good way for me to review what I have learned. Dr. Scott Halida hosted a workshop about Spine Fit which teaches you about the things you do on a regular basis and how to do them while putting the least amount of stress onto your spine. This in turn will help you prevent pains and disease.

Dr. Scott opens with a reference to a new book we have in our office : "The Wellness Prevention Paradigm" by Dr. Chestnut. I haven't read it yet but have heard quotes from the book. Next week I will buy the book and start reading them give you a review of what I think of the book. I have divided the videos up by sections so it would be easier to refer to them later:


Sitting and Ergonomics
Wobble Disk and Reader

Daily Stretching and Yoga Moves

Sleeping Well

1 comment:

  1. Very Cool! Save your spine, save you life!!!
