The First Wealth is Health - Ralph Waldo Emerson
This is something a lot of us take for granted and don't take care of it.
Imagine getting a brand new car that is worth well over $60,000. What do you do? Do you just put whatever gas into it when you know it needs premium unleaded gas? Do you just leave it outside all the time to endure all nature has to offer as far as weather? Will you wash it? How often will you maintenance it?
Of course you are going to take care of that car! It's a valuable item and something worth that much needs the best of care. Now reconsider that and put yourself in the picture. Your health. Even if you had the money for the most expensive car in the world but you were sick all of the time, in pain all the time and tired all the time would you be able to enjoy that nice car? Would you be able to enjoy life in general? Probably not. You will try but still won't be satisfied.
Your health, your body to be more exact is that expensive car. In fact the most valuable thing we own is not a car, a house, a computer or anything else. It's our own body. If we are not taking care of it then just like a car it's going to break down, it's going to have problems, it's going to get sick and leave us unhappy with it.
Think of a used car that you just picked up. A junker to be more exact. It's always needing to go into the shop to get repaired. The blinker it's working, it's making a lot of noises, the power steering isn't working etc. We can list a lot of trouble that goes on with a car. Our body is like that. It all breaks down to how we take care of it. We can't enjoy that car if it's not working at 100% nor can we enjoy our life unless our body is at 100%.
It's time to think twice about everything you do. I'm not saying quit eating the things you love, or not to do things that you want to. I'm saying you need to take care of your body. Everyone's body is like a car, we need take care of it from day 1. That's why a car loses value as soon as you drive it off the sales lot.
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